Monday, September 21, 2009

Blind questions to myself

When the opportunity or impulse is there... ACT

ACT = Act Concerned to the Time.

Why this three letter word irritates us, kindle us, awaken us, alight us…? No answer... But, what is the thing which makes ACT when we need to talk… is this the gravity which encourages us to form the motion of act or what exactly is that, is that a invisible attraction of mind or visible attraction of sense? What makes us think when it is the time to ACT?

As I have seen many times in my life, I kept the doors closed when opportunity was knocking hardly from outside. But till today I am not able to indentify myself about one thing! That’s: What inspired me to open a company in Bangalore? Was that idea a factual or wicked minds situation, which was humbling to open a company? Still no answer… Until time becomes everything, nobody can become even a single thing.

One thing I can guess about my past! Thinking about beautiful CITATION made my mind soft, sensitive and carved careful to ACT to the situations. When I got bad words in profession I felt like killing myself but when the fact was hard true! No Option, as their no other way except to accept that fact.

But did a cup of coffee with a few voice exchanges arouse me to GO AHEAD and open a company? Actually what exactly went on that day? My partner was just willing to open a company and finance for that and my mind was just looking for a support to the strong base. As even I know that, I am writing a stupid and nonsense article on my past. Though even I know it’s a waste of time...

As I founded no other way to find the answer on, what exactly inspired me on that particular day and what made me to ACT for that situation? But the result is truly astonishing. VISUAL PERCEPT was never my dream. I just dreamed about a company but those dreams were not having colors, shape and thoughts. But it happened and we both acted according to the TIME!

And the fact was I. I acted according to my thoughts carefully… as I am the masterpiece of my own life. And even I feel it’s a magic that I am getting answers to my question day by day. And the thing is I don’t need to complicate all the "reasons" behind my emotions. It's much simpler than that. Two categories finally came in mind; those are good feelings, bad feelings. I locked my option to good feelings… and the route went to success. And then I was attracted by everything which was required - money, people, relations… and tried to PAY ATTENTION to what's being set in front of you.

After all things happened I went for a ride to a hill station with my (.......?) and we sat on top of the hill asking ourselves what was our dreams and how it got such a shape, color and what made us ACT, and finally how we both meet and what made us to talk each others? Once we both thought about the love life but the same way, dream was not having any person and the dreams were almost blank _______. Simply we used to spend time with a cup of coffee and used to miss each others. But what exactly is that which is making me to miss someone… is that a attraction or a commitment?
No Answer

Well no more time is left for me! I have to attend a meeting after two hours and have to prepare for that… and again bring my mind to the present world! And make it ready to ACT according to the TIME!

The question arise is that, either we have to ACT according to the situation or the time… and is time differs from situation?

Never read this article for second time because this is what I am asking to MYSELF and trying to find the answers…

"You create your own universe as you go along" Winston Churchill
I am creating my own Univer....!


  1. Ooops... One more Dimension of Mr. All rounder.

    Still I also asked many times and tried to understand this guy in all possible angles I know[!!??] but still viju is Mr. Mystery for me...

    Again, he proved that he is the guy difficult to understand. I heard some where.. "More u simple... more it is difficult to know". Now I experienced the practicle for that sayings.The way Viju, the bond trying to realize himself in all those past stages with people he interacted.. that also just he is a third person in this article who is seeing his past images in the mirror of his memory and asking the question "How, why, what"...?

    Ooops... really hard to ask these questions.. especially about us.. ourselves and the way took journey in our past... Hmm.. Thats y I like Viju much.

    Nice article Viju..The man in the path of self realization...

    I apoloize Viju sir.. I read this article more than 3 times.. Plz forgive me.. I couldn't resist myself after all I also experiencing the ACT....

    Long live the Tiger...

  2. thanks avinkumar, and please no sorry

  3. Nice article! Looks like someone is sitting and asking questions to the mind...

    once again a nice article keep it up and keep writing... ur going very deep in the matter of thoughts, i wish u all the success! Waiting for more and more articles

